8-20-01 - 10 07 pm

i gave her her tape yesterday.

didnt preface it or explain it or anything that i was going to do. just handed it to her. wouldnt let her look at what was on it while she was there.

she left.

called me up and said "dear god that tape was AWFUL. you SUCK."

and i cried.

ok, no, that didnt happen.

she called me tonight. and i laid on the couch. and we talked.

and laughed.

and it was good and great and i was curled up laughing.

she had to leave. so we hung up.

and i got on.

and she got on.

and said she forgot to thank me for the tape.

that she loved it.

that she had one song off it stuck in her head during the day.

so, hey, SCORE ONE FOR ME!

but, uh, said coolly and smoothly.

now i will just pop open my box of wine.

because i am smooth.


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