8-22-01 - 8 07 am

i had my hair dyed last night. it is now "burgundy."

because burgundy is almost purple but is not and is respectable enough that those at my work wont get weird about me having different hair and that kim's mom, if she sees me any time soon, won't have another excuse not to like me.

i got in late last night, so kim couldn't call me, and i couldn't call her. but she was online, waiting for me.

and we talked, and it didnt feel right. so i asked her what was wrong.

she told me, and we talked, and she was a little amazed that i could tell something was up.

things are ok, though. i made her smile a few times, and she was happy.

and i told her to call me today. which she will.

which will be what i move my day towards.

today has the chance of going by really fast or really slow.

im betting on slow.

and im also betting i get almost nothing of what i want done done.

this has been such a half assed entry.

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