8-12-01 - 10 04 am

and she had a few hours to hide away with me.

so we drove. wound up in a bookstore that was closing. so we drove. wound up in the park.

the park.

which i find myself starting to call our park, deep inside me.

the park.

where it was muddy and wet so we didnt sit down.

instead i led her to a pole. leaned her against it.

touched her sides. her back. ran my hand across her stomach.

we left, later.

sat in my car, talking.

she didnt want to leave.

i didnt want to take her home.

my cousin got married yesterday. i didnt talk to him, though. but, as we were walking out of the reception, i saw him. getting ready to cut the cake.

i wanted to hit him and say congratulations.

i didnt.

walked on out.

after my wedding i dont know if i can stand to go to the reception.

i would want to be alone with my wife.

to just live in that, quietly, for a few moments.

my wife.



i would want to touch her and take her in and fall asleep with her in my arms.

but i would go to the reception.

and i would have music playing.

and i wouldnt be able to take my eyes off of her.

my cousin, after the wedding, as they were walking down the aisle, away from the preacher man, he had his head tilted down, a big grin plastered across his face, which was red a little.

he's a good man.

but now, now i must shower.

because i have work.

followed by taking new people around. letting them see things.

i dont know if kim will be with me or not.

probably not.

so. yeah.

shower time.

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