7-11-01 - 12 29 am

tomorrow. tomorrow is my day off.

i have decreed it as such.

i have one thing i should do, but can put off. i should go back to the eye doctors. but i can wait until thursday.

so that means i will shut my door. turn onto my side in my bed. with grover somewhere touching me, if not directly under my head.

and i will sleep.

hard. long. deep.


oh. hey. i need to share something that i learned about myself last night, but that i still sort of dont see nor do i agree completely with:

i am really hot. i have a really hot personality.

i am steaming, as it were.

this, my friends, amuses the hell out of me. as some of you know, because i've rambled about it.

but. yeah.


im sort of. hurting. right now. inside. you know.

the girl.

you know how it goes.


emptyness does.

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