6-29-01 - 4 00 pm


i do believe this is the first all nude-y crayon diary entry ever.

thats right. im sitting here naked.

not even a towel to cover me up.

i just took a bath. and BOY ARE MY ARMS TIRED!

ha. you know, i never get tired of adding that onto an action.

even if it makes absolutely no sense.

and if it did make sense, there, then well, you have a dirty dirty mind, shame on you, and please email me.


im thinking of vacuuming my rug this weekend. taking the dirty clothes out and hanging up the clean ones and going to town like yankee doodle.

i work in 2 hours. i know, and realize, that it is 2 hours away, but theres a part of me already freaking out, talking about how i will be late to work (again) and look im not even dressed!

my hair is wet and there are little drips of water rolling down my back.

hey, i think i might go cook something, too.


because today is nude day.

i am all by myself, so why shouldnt it be?

i will go to work clothed, of course. only because i dont have an apron, and a vest, bowtie, and black socks just isnt charming.

if thats all you're wearing.

maybe take the vest and black socks away, and bam.

BAM i tell you.

you could not resist a crayon in a bow tie i assure you.

ok. i really had nothing to say for this entry. i just wanted everyone to know i was naked.

that is all.

yall have a good day, smile some for me, and kelly, i hope work wasnt too bad for you.

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