6-29-01 - 1 57 am

only in a minute does it take to break.

only in a minute.

whisper something to me softly. anything.

just stay long enough to have to whisper.

stay until it is late at night and everyone is asleep.

stay until they are waking, but we dont want them to know where we are. or that we havent slept.

and be close enough so that i can hear your whisper.

together on my bed, on your bed. on our floors. in a chair. outside.

laying next to you.

rest your lips on my ears as you whisper.

it doesnt matter what you say.

this is why i dont like the phone.

pressed to my ear.

hearing your voice.

softly spoken, because you are not loud by nature.

the rim of the earpiece slowly warming from my heat.

one day there will be lips pressed to my ear late at night, whispering.

she will not be you.

conversly, you will not be her.

she will be tall and fill my hands. she will catch my breath and throw it across the room, sending my body to chase it down, while all the time laying next to her.

she will fit me.

and she will whisper.

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