6-19-01 - 12 21 am

one of the things that gets me to laugh far above most normal things i laugh at is when people talk about big heads.

i dont know what it is, but whenever someone says something like "i was trying to watch the movie, but i had to sit on my knees, because this ladys big fat head was blocking the screen."

i crack up.

now, i come from a line of big heads. my dad's side of the family.

many a family get together would be spent talking about the abnormal size of some cousins head.

"why, jacobs head is huge! but it's always been like that. we've about given up hope that he'll grow into it."

my dad has a massive cranium.

so of course i give my sister a complex by nicknaming her big head.

her head isnt huge. hell, mine might even be bigger. but she has this fluffy poofy hair that enlarges the look of the size.

one christmas i had planned on buying her a huge pillow. because, you know, she needs a huge pillow to sleep on. for that huge head.

when i drive when she is in the backseat, i constantly complain that i cant use my rear view mirror.

when she floats in her pool i say why i dont know how you do that. im surprised your head isnt at the bottom and your feet arent sticking right out.

when she was hit by the softball i said, well, yeah. the massive size created so much gravity it was just sucked in. matter of fact i am surprised you havent been hit more often.

my sister loves me, yo.

she loves me even more when i talk about writing a book about her. i will pretend it is written by her, journal like. whenever she gets mad at me i pretend to open a notebook and pull a pen out.

then i talk in a funny voice. "my life is so hard. today i could not find the remote, so i actually had to stand up and walk across the room! i was worn out then, so i just sat two inches in front of the tv. i am blind!"

then she punches me.

but god damn, big heads make me laugh.

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