5-10-01 - 4 43 am

apparently i am either really sick at the moment, or really close to getting there. so i shall try to make this short and sweet and SWEET.

i met a girl.

yes, another one.

however, this one is different if only in this fact:

i might actually have a shot with her.

she was my waitress tonight.

joey got mad, because he was flirting with her and i barely said anything, but boom, there it was.

i have her phone number written on the back of my hand.

he asked me why i always got the girls (i dont always get the girls.) and i said it was because of my charm and charisma.

he said what charm and charisma?

i shrugged, said they seem to find some.

because i was being all boastful.

however, she made me blush.

she being the waitress.

"she being brand new and you know consquently a little stiff."

some ee cummings for you, because i am quite the poet and shit.

but yes, i asked her when she was going to be getting off, because joey was wondering. she looked at me, asked me when i would be coming over.

i blushed.

short and sweet, right? thats what i said?

we ended up meeting her and some friends of hers at waffle house. from there are number dwindled to four at a park. from there we went to her house and the number dwindled more until it was us two at walmart.

FOR TWO FUCKING HOURS. we were in walmart.

and apparently theres a law, in the south, that says you can not buy beer between 3 and 6. we found this out tonight.

she bought me candy.

but, because i was positive my humor and wit and crazy outlook on life and all around charm and lovability hadnt convinced her i was worth a serious looking at:

i threw up.


just to guarentee her loving me.


thats what im saying.

what really happened was that all of a sudden it hit me. hit me hard and fast, too, but i thought i could wait it out.

i couldnt.

she pulled to the side of the road for me, where i could puke.

then she pulled to the side of the road again.

she's worried about me she is.

i puked.

how cool is that yall?

wait wait, sarcasm? is that you? why, by golly, it is!

i am worried. i know what happened last time i puked like that. i went to the damn er.

ah well.

que sera sera. the futures not ours to see.

i am falling asleep as i type.

i, uh, really hope she calls tomorrow. yep. or friday.

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