5-11-01 - 8 46 am

this will be my last entry for a week.

and, yes, it will be a sucky entry considering i have to wait another week before i update.

i am going to atlanta and then to florida, you see.

without the laptop, but with friends.

waitress from last night, i called her last night.

because i got really bored and figured i could take her to the movies or some such.

she was busy with other things, but she will call me after work tonight so as we can do something before i leave for the week.

my stomach is still bothering me.

i have that nelly song stuck in my head.

then we ice the wrist. city talk nelly listen nelly talk city listen.

cmon boo give me a kiss.

im afraid, somewhere in florida, i will have to be taken to the hospital.

the question then arises, why dont i just stay here?

im really tempted to.

however, however. we must split into pairs to share rooms (we arent staying in hotels, but college dorms (we're touring, i guess you could say)), and kat has decreed that i get to sleep with her.

so i am thinking by going with her this week i will be able to get the fire out of my blood that runs through my veins for her.

the real reason she wants me to sleep with her?

i will let her smoke in our room.

and when i say smoke i do not mean the friendly tobacco leaf people.

oh. that leads me to this:

i have been offered to do shrooms tonight. for the first time ever, im actually considering this.

i probably wont, but hey.

alright. i need to send off some emails and then hope the stomach gets better.

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