5-8-01 - 3 48 am

have you ever felt your heart break and heal in the same instance?

i dont recommend it.

it makes you feel like you're going to throw up.

but maybe thats only me and maybe thats only because my heart is breaking a little more than it is healing at the moment.

time for a really bad metaphor or simile or whichever one? why, i do believe so! listen:

it is, however, a maybe good breaking of the heart, if a heart breaking could ever be good. because maybe it is like an improperly set bone. sometimes you must break it again to let it heal right.

i say to her:

when i think about you, in abstract terms, in relation to who i am or my soul or whatever you want to call it, ive always pictured you as fitting into this part on the left side of me, and if you were a puzzle piece i could draw your shape, but the thing of it is i can see you fitting right into this spot that is your spot, that i know no one else can ever fit.

and she says:


and i say:

theres not been a person i could see like that, not until you, but now youre there, and its scared me before because im not used to it, but you're there, and youre this part of me.

and she says:

i love you, and i'm honored to be a part of you.

and i say:

i just wanted to let you know that.

and now i sit here. thinking. wishing i had the real words to say.

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