3-21-01 - 12 33 pm

who knows how much further we'll go on.

just woke up. well, not just, maybe ive been up ten minutes.

got an email from the girl. sort of throws me, because im pretty sure it's a song lyric she sent me, but if its not, i dunno why she said it because she knows how i feel about her.

not going to worry about it, though.

had a few dreams because i could actually sleep today.


my cousin was getting married, straight out of high school. maybe not straight out of high school, but she was still pretty young.

we kidded around, which eased a part in me because, in the dream, i was worried about separating from her.


i was on a ship, eating, and i knew that it was going to flood soon if i didnt stop it, but i couldn't stop it, so it flooded and people drowned.

my sister drowned.

i was there, floating, and a toddler was floating, and i tried to get the toddler on the raft thing i was on, but i couldnt.

and i had to keep reliving this, trying to find ways to stop the drowning. each time i knew my sister would die.


my friend bought a puppy. a blue beagle.

time to continue on the day.

yall smile, cause hell, todays never as bad as yesterday was.

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