2-6-01 - 12 54 am

so yeah.


i forgot she was "dating" someone.

so now that's completely out of the window.

though im still really attracted to her.

hell people, she was walking around in a bra in front of me. of course i averted my eyes.

for the most part.

she does have a beautiful back yo.

so i shall remain attracted to her in multiple ways, but i wont ever act on that.

ah god damn she's just bam sexy.

but can i please ask whats the deal with women changing in front of me?

i mean, yeah, i'm not really complaining or anything, but it does sort of make me feel awkward.

im all modest and old fashioned and its horrible.

what else.

oh, i got locked in my bathroom for twenty minutes.

martine finds this incredibly funny. asks what i did for twenty minutes.

"just sat there. sometimes i turned the light off. i considered taking a shower to pass the time. but i didnt. then i unlaced my shoes."

someone finally came and let me out.

i had the best grapes today. least, best i've had in a while.

and i've talked to some people, noticed things about them, other things are falling into place in my mind.

but i need to talk to someone. he's thinking of moving, and i think i know part of the reason why, but i still need to make sure he's sure he should move because he broke up with his girlfriend.

and it sounds like hes being more of a sucker than he is. truth is he's one of the greatest guys i know, sensitive as hell, and, if i am correct, would be leaving to make life easier for his girl.

she's been through some rough relationships and was against love until he came along. and then he wouldnt date her until she was more concerned with being his friend than anything else.

so he wouldnt want to be a constant reminder to her.

but dammit, i would miss the hell out of him.

however i still need to talk with him.

blah blah blah. im just rambling now. and so now i leave.

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