2-4-01 - 2 37 pm

so i am back.

and a little physically worse for the trip, but still.

it was pretty damn amazing at points.

and awkward at some others.

like when i took my glasses to show john that we were equally blind (which is in itself amazing. he said he was negative 350. so i am too. so take that, seers!... uh... see-ers! seers?), and rachel turned around. kid saw me without glasses, exclaims:

"you're cute!"

the glasses do bother me because they hide my eyes, cloud the face.

and apparently that's a bad thing, according to rachel.

we got back in the van, after the gas station stop, and it was just rachel and i. she said yeah, i was "beautiful" and such.

before yall start thinking anything, she's engaged. and not at all my type.

she thinks al gore is the antichrist.


the best part, for me, was kat. we got a little closer this weekend.

especially on the way back.

we started off on separate sides of the seat. then she had her feet in my lap. then, before i knew it, she had slid her legs across my lap to lay flatter on the seat. after a while she sat back up, put her pillow in my lap, laid her head on her pillow.

a few minutes later she had me rubbing her back.

and, although my legs were eating me alive at that moment, i felt good.

the legs are a different story.

but kat.

alright, yo, truth:

i am damn attracted to kat.

would i ever act on that?

i don't know.

part of me would, in a heart beat, even if it was a one time thing.

but the bigger part of me sort of shys away from that all.

but damn. she walked by me today, while we were all at lunch, scratched my neck as she passed.

im going to explode soon.

and now i leave to go grocery shopping.

more stories to come people.

have a good day.

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