2-2-01 - 1 31 am

this shall be short because it is like me.


no, it will be short because i am having incredible problems typing right now due to tiredness.

just to let yall know, im going out of town for the weekend, which means no new entries for a bit.

yes, let the children weep and the old women mutter.

i shall be missed.

but, chins up (thats what charolette told wilbur (i loved eb white)), i will return.

if things go according to plan and i dont die in a horrible crash.

which wont happen due to brakes, because we are getting them checked tomorrow.

i say we like im going with them, but im not.

i will, however, clean the van out. so we wont die by a random piece of garbage hitting us from inside the car.

im just rambling now.

i wont die. dont worry about that.

and i will return.

i will make the world a better place.

because im good enough.

and im smart enough.

and doggone it, people like me.

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