12-17-00 - 2 42 pm

im at home, sitting in the living room on the recliner. the dad's sitting on the couch.

im talking to the girl.

the dad is talking to the girl via me.

he said "around here they call her the cow killer."

and i repeat this to the girl and she laughs and laughs.

told me "you've got a good family."

and i do.

i havent been up for even an hour yet.

i need to see the kids next door. i haven't been around them in a long time.

ah. had a dream last night i shot a cheetah like animal.

a man came by, later, as i was sitting there, trying to regroup with my sister, saw the cheetah, told me it should be skinned, it was a nice animal. so i said alright. then he gave me an italian dagger he found just buried in the bush.

went with him to this lab. walked into it with him, knew the lady scientist lady person and said well, at least get his sperm so we can ship it up to america and keep his breed alive.

the man said no, we're not shipping sperm to america.

i said alright then, do it here.

he said no. we're cloning them.

i said fine, as long as we can replace the one i killed. make sure it's released somewhere out there.

and i made vague motions to the jungle.

then a noise was made and screams were heard and the guy said damn. then he picked his gun up and ran out.

i was there, holding a vial of green something or other. tried screwing the top back on, but i wasnt doing a good job of it, so the scientist lady told me to be gentle, take my time.

finally got it back on. grabbed my rifle, slipped the dagger in my belt, small of my back.

cant really remember what happened after that.

the man was killing crazy. destruction. i tried to control him, temper him, make his extreme less.

but the jungle came alive. and i had to escape. ran back towards the lab, which was actually my parents house, which was where it normally is. right at the edge of "civilization".

the vines grew up, they were in the yard, they grew and captured me, entangled me, held me up.

the jungle began speaking. telling me it had me. i couldn't escape.

i started yelling. told them to look where i was. i was as close to civilization as i was to them. i was in the middle. i could go either way.

and i said something else. and whatever i said apeased them. the vines brought me back down. released me. told me they would be watching for that moment.

and i woke up.

now i leave.

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