12-5-00 - 9 40 pm

yeah. im feeling a little better.

some hot food in my stomach. the promise of a hotter shower. the promise of a home cooked meal sunday.

and ill be talking to the girl soon.

so now its just a matter of actually talking with her.

sure, i can go on and on about how i can take an alligator and everything, but... yeah.

i almost finished the portfolio. two more things and im done. finished the other thing, too.

didnt work though. sat around for a while.

im going to go in early tomorrow. i must. and then im going to go christmas shopping. yes.

i need to do some serious shopping this weekend.

with my sister. who has a BOYFRIEND.

my good grief above and below.

i called home, because i needed them to email me something, and the second time i called (to make sure the mom knew she was still online. she's got a habit of signing on and then just leaving.) i talked to her.

said "heh, so how was the moooooOOOOooovie?"

she said, dropping her voice a tone to show she wasnt that amused at my prodding "fine."

"no, i meant, how was the movie?"

"it was ok."



and then we changed topics.

she asked if i gave a ride to someone last weekend, told her yeah, guy i gave i ride to couldnt remember if i did or not.

gotta talk to the girl. tonight. i will. yes. and ive gotta find a way to begin the conversation. to break the ice. to get the ball rolling.

and maybe i can sleep tonight.

or maybe i can pass out.

either way, long as i dont spend the night looking out of the window again.

time for me to take a shower yo.

hope yall are having good nights.

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