12-4-00 - 11 06 am

yeah. i got less than two hours of sleep last night.

woke up after the little sleep i got. tossed and turned in bed.

watched the sun rise.

my throat feels funny as does my stomach.

ive got to work until about 2. and then i have to finish (read: start and finish) the portfolio. and then... dammit. i should do that, but i'll put it until tomorrow. yes. damn.

i should do that tonight. rework it. but i cant find the original copy with the notes.

then i will... no. no naps.


hey, wait, maybe its on the dresser.

hell. all ive got to do is rework that part.

so. yeah. ill do that. later. after the portfolio. itll keep me busy.

yeah. i dont know what to do.

we'll see.

tonight. gotta keep moving until tonight. keep going and working and moving.

then maybe ill allow myself to really break. fully and completely and totally and i can rest.

then ill regroup.

damn portfolio.


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