12-2-00 - 5 45 pm

this morning i was awoken by a man over an intercom whooping and a pick up truck (im assuming it's a pick up truck. i live in the south.) blaring its horn.

there are many perks to living across the street from a football stadium.

i got up, got myself put together, was at work a little early, did my work stuff.

at the tail end of work i was sort of really bored. so i started copying things.

not thing things.

just my hands.

i first copied my left hand.

then i copied my right hand.

and then i thought, hey, i should try copying both hands!

so i went back to my little area and got a pen, came back, positioned the hands, to make sure i could put them both on letter size paper, nudged the top thing closed and, with the pen in my mouth, hit the copy button.

so now i have three copies of hands.

yes, i know you are jealous.

its snowing. first snow of the year here. been going on since about 3. or so ive been told. i didnt actually see it for myself until later. and then i walked in it.

i walked down to the center, to see if a friend was there.

then i thought about it, and decided hey, shes probably not driving in the snow.

so i walked to get me something to eat.

then i walked back here.

and now im sitting on the floor, with my knee hurting but eh, and in front of me is the small tree with its light. behind that, if i unfocus my eyes, is a gray sky with snow falling down.

snow high lighted by the lights from the football stadium.

there are many perks.

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