12-1-00 - 2 25 am

i am going to make this short because i need to be awake in five hours. almost exactly five hours.

therefor i suck for putting my body through this. as well as my mind.

and my heart, alas, what a bruised tomato that is.

but we shall leave my poor heart alone for another day. its not ready to be plucked.

and i could go on and on with the plant relations but i wont cause this was sposed to be short.

to amy who inspired me this week:

i think you are a dolphin when you swim. sleek and with beautiful lines that show you were made perfectly for what you were meant to do. i imagine you feel smooth to the touch. i believe you are playful and powerful and loyal.

ah. i was thinking this afternoon, kid. about something you could do for me. take what ive teachen or shown you, take that and pass it on. become a big sister or something, find a teenager or younger or older to take under your wing and point out the snowflakes and stars to.

and when they see the beauty for the first time, and every time, and that fire hits their eyes, then, kid, it makes it easier to believe for yourself.

so that is what you could do for me.

and now i go to sleep. before i shall floss.

cause yeah i dont want no periodontal disease.

amen. and gnight.

yall have fun now y'hear.

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