11-13-00 - 2 41 am

sometimes things get old. sometimes i get old. sometimes i outlive my freshness and im put aside like an old toy on christmas morning.

and hell, im alright this. im grateful i had that moment.

my friend has this habit of believing other people who try writing are just bad. she called something "not respectable" last night. the fact it was posted or published i dont know what the hell.

but it bothers me.

i dont call myself a writer. im not a writer. im not a poet. im none of those fancy terms. if anything, ive said this before and ill say it again, if anything i'm a rambler.

sometimes out of those ramblings people find something to attach to.

but there's this big hypocrite in me, as well. i hesitate when people call themselves writers or poets or what have you and then complain about someone else's work.

as in "this sucks" as in "i cant believe this was chosen" as in "god dammit". not everyone puts out shining gems each and every time they put pen to paper.

and i know for a fact (let me say right now i'm directin my hostility to someone who doesn't read this, so, no, im not talking about any one of yall. please dont think that.) that this person has done some pretty... whats the word im looking for... cliched stuff herself.

and for me to hear her bitch and piss and moan about the quality of someone elses stuff as if she's this all great poet rubs me the wrong way.

i told her today that she shouldnt come down on someone tryin to write. she said she knows, shes not tryin to sound like shes this great all knowing thing... but she's just saying that.

she believes it, to an extent.

but, no, never should anyone be belittled for their writings. you dont kill creativity.

if you kill creativity youre only giving birth to republicians.

heh, no, i kid. really. my grandma and grandpa... who i call granny and papa, just for the aww factor... are republicians and damn good people.

just a little confused.

and, yeah, i should go to bed. its gettin down to four hours before i need to be awake.

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