10-25-00 - 11 08 am

there's this commercial out.

for invisible braces that's actually a mouth guard type thing.

maybe youve seen it... it has that girl and guy on a blind date but then, surprise, they realize that they've both met the wrong people and the true guy comes along and "mike? oh.. i dont know any mike."

you know it?



either way, you've got the basis of it.

why i mention this:

i got in an arguement earlier with someone over it.

last night we had watched it together and when the lady said "mike? i dont know a mike" or whatever she said i said "yeah, you're a liar, i couldn't go out with you."

she laughed at me, but i was serious. the lady just flat out lied to the guy and, not only that, wouldn't admit to a friend.

so i said "no, really. she's a big fat fatty fat head liar."

"oohh yeah, it's all about honesty then."

"yeah. i dont want to wind up on jerry springer with her."

so that brings us up to today.

the commercial came on again.

she says "well he's a liar too."

but he's not. so we got into this big drawn out passionate arguement about whether or not he led the ladt into believing something or other.

ive got to mail the package in about twenty minutes. this way i wont be late, and i also wont have to come back here to get the package to mail it after everything.

when i swallow it still feels funny, but not as funny. good sign.

its always been mind over matter eh.

i have decided to go jump out of a plane.

with a parachute on.

or attached to someone with a parachute on.

i've gathered someone who'll do it with me. possibly i could gather a whole group of people, but honestly, all i need is someone to drive me out there, they can stay on the ground.

i decided to do this yesterday.

i'm going to try to get it done by the end of november.

i dont know why exactly it just struck me with such a fierceness that i have to do this.

i need that memory in me. i need to talk to jess and have that feeling in me of the fall.

yeah. i would do it just to tell jess, hey, guess what i did last weekend.

that's something i need to explore.

as for now, i need to get ready so i can mail the package.


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