10-20-00 - 2 03 pm

MY FREAKING FREAK OF A FREAK! this the 4th time i have tried writing an entry. im getting kind of pissed.

here where i was at the last entry:

its the same reason gilda radner was incredibly attractive. its the same reason whenever i see that one special of hers i slowly fall in love with her, over the course of the show. again and again.

i also had this in the entry:

she stood and laughed and rubbed her belly.

i mentioned three different cereals.

i mentioned the toni braxton video and how people dont make sense to me.

i dont know what im going to do tonight. i need to do some work, get that out of the way for this weekend, but that would be sensible.

i need to eat me some lucky charms.

ive got to be at work in about an hour. the inadvertant boss has some plans for me to go through his files and do something. i dont know what.

earlier today i was at work, yes yes, and he had me putting little hole protector thingies on all the sheets in this three inch binder that was full.


i swear he's insane.

a good friend of mine was valedictorian of her high school class. she doesnt like being pinned under that. once we were talking about it.

she's a first generation american.

her grandfather is still in korea. he knows she was a val. but still, she's not as big as she could be if she was a boy.

dont know why i just shared that.

while luck is still with me, im going to end this and get me some lucky charms.

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