10-17-00 - 10 48 pm

its not even 11 and ive gotten everything done tonight that ive wanted to get done.

i kick ass.

the window's open and blowing a breeze right to me. its not cold but it feels like there's a slight trail moving up my arm and making me draw into myself in that suck the air in around your front teeth kind of way.

i might have to see about sleeping with the window open yo.

im such a fool. its horrible and slightly sickening.

people have to learn that when i get new information about them and it effects the friendship, relationship, and all that, i have to turn inside to myself for a while to digest it.

which usually means i have to leave for a moment.

or a while.

i cant do bangyoutellmethisandbangitellyouhowifeel.

i cant. because, honestly, i dont know how i feel right then.

i would love some chicken tenders right now. with fries. and maybe some pink lemonade. or just lemonade. with lots of sugar.

and then some pie.

yes indeed.

ah, another thing i would like: a girl who loves her food.

i was walking down the sidewalk today and i ran into the office girl. so we walked together for a bit, talked, made her laugh just a bit.

my grover is always slightly colder than room temp. it doesnt matter if ive fallen asleep on him under a ton of covers. i can pull him out from under me and he'll be refreshing.

ive eaten two packets of gushers.

now im going onto number three.

while i watch moesha.

that sassy brandy.

ive lost my aim. i need to find someone to go out and throw with.

and i need to work out again. im startin to feel a bit weak.

ok, grover smells like some kind of perfume. kind of... odd.

this weekend... oh damn, no, not this weekend. argh.

soon enough.


but never quite soon enough eh.

aint that the bitter end.

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