9-30-00 - 7 21 pm

i really lucked out with my dad. the first time we were alone tonight (when the mom went to buy some cookies) i turned to him, to kill the silence, and said:

"you were late"

"by 2 minutes!"



he then proceded to tell me this tale about how he drove over lawns and through fences and

"i saved two cows lives."

"still, you're sposed to figure stuff like that in your driving time."

"if i hadn't gone back for that last one..."

but no, it doesnt end here folks. we continue:

"i kept telling them to moooo-ve. mooooo-ve i said, mooooo-ve. but they didnt listen."

and im shaking my head.

"they couldn't hear me because of the horn."

still shaking my head.

"they've got two. horns, you know."

and now im laughing. and shaking my head.

"they were quiet, though. beep beep."

sara. the girl who wore that baseball shirt that day i was stopped without realizing it. that's her name. sara. yep. we've talked. its slow going, but this evenin when she passed me sittin down she turned around and smiled. so there's a friendship brewing.

speaking of friendships brewing, i made a new friend today yo.

this girl who works in a different department but stays down in the basement with me. first we exchanged nice-ities:

"you look bored."

"i am. incredibly."

but how did we officially begin to bond?

over a cockroach-like insect.

there was this insect scuttling across the floor and i heard some women say something, so i looked over the counter.

im against killing insects.

so i let it scuttle. a bit later jessica (thats her name, you see.) sees it and starts following it around. i get up, making sure she wont kill it, but then she says:

"we could catch it and let it loose outside."

so of course im all... hell yeah...

so we spend the next ten minutes using different things to try to catch it, finally succeed with a mug and a spiral notebook reference thing i use. she carries him outside.

later, as she was waiting for her time to be up, she came around the counter and sat on a chair. we talked.

when i asked her if she wanted to drive a big rig one day she laughed.

... hell yeah...

for a first conversation we got into some stuff. wheres shes from, her older sister, her old job at dairy queen and subway, she would rather adopt kids (5 or 6 of them) but if shes going to give birth she wants to do it natural, this playgirl type magazine she once looked at that was funny more than anything else, scary movies, would like to live in the country, shes never been on a plane, riding a bus next weekend.

and the kid likes to laugh.

she is good people.

and that is that.

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