9-30-00 - 12 07 am

late night tonight i was at a pizza place with a bunch of friends. jan had her cell, she had free calls, so i took it to call down to my parents.

my mom answered.

i sat there at the table and talked to her while my friends talked around me.

my eyes closed, glasses raised because i was pinching the bridge of my nose.

i asked how my grandfather was.

he has leukemia. he told my mom recently, i think he found out a few days ago. it's definite.

they've taken him off his medicine because they think thats why he can't eat. they put a feeding tube in him via his nose.

hes moved rooms, again.

this weekend he's leaving the hospital for three hours to see home. my mom said "he told me even if he cant get out of the truck he's going home to see it"

i cant remember now if "one last time" was what she said or what i heard.

my mom said he sounded stronger yesterday, stronger than he has in a really long time.

i finally asked her if tess, my sister, had visited him recently.


had she visited him at all?


he's been in the hospital over three weeks now. she hasnt seen him.

thats not right.

not at all.

my mom told me she was making her go this weekend.

bout damn time.

we said goodbye.

i turned the cell off, opened my eyes.

took a drink.

took another drink.

felt the glass. the wetness against my palms. rolled it around. rubbed my eyes. wetness against my palms.

one last drink.

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