9-29-00 - 8 47 am

last night was a big night.

ill talk about it later.

my dream:

i was outside, there was this tub like thing. i had to feel it up with raw meat. i had to do this for a religious reason.

but everytime i picked up the meat and put it in the tub it went away a little bit.

so i went inside to wash the blood off my arms.

my blood.

i had one long scratch down my left arm, from my shoulder to inside my elbow to my wrist.

in there i see my mom but not my mom just my dream mom.

and my brother.

my brother goes to the bathroom.

the police or something of the same come and my mom grabs me and runs into the bedroom.

she gives my father a carrot.

they're evil demons. if we have a carrot we can wave them off.

my mom is old. wise. frail.

i love her deeply.

i take a carrot from her, run it up the door frame, the door handle, trying to buy us time.

my mom turns to me, tells me she's going to tell me the entire story now. im old enough, its time, time is short, shes going to tell me.

"when man was still small"

feeting pounding through the house, to the door. yelling. my father silenced. more yelling.

"eat the carrot, quick!"

i eat. she eats.

the door handle is touched.


it wears off. they start grabbing, pounding. i run to the window.

gotta get my mom out.

shes still telling her story.

"we were creatures."

and i turn to look at her and she's transformed into this rabbit like mom.

the door bursts in. she yells at me.

"go go!"

and im at the window and im opening it and there're shots and my moms at my back.

she's been hit.

i feel her blood on my back.

she collapses on me. covers me. protects me.

whispers to me.

"if i must die, so be it, but damned if you'll take my child."

and she heaves with her body, trying to free me.

i fall to the ground.

i get up and run.

i know the secret.

im alone.

i run.

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