9-18-00 - 11 22 am

i dont know where im going with myself.

well, to lunch soon enough.

if she ever stops folding clothes.

yes, i am in the domain of a friend, and she's over there folding clothes.

i spose if i was a good crayon i would offer to help, but eh, that'd be kind of odd.

i heard tell of how every number can be somehow broken down to four.

four. 4. for. fore.

i got... maybe three hours of sleep.

possibly 5.

how can i not know?

well, lemme tell you. i remember rolling over at one point last night and seeing, yes, you guess it, 4 00 on the clock.

now, i dont know if i was asleep before that or not, because i spent a lot of time in the dark just thinking.

i wasnt alone (ooh la la, but no, not really, just a friend. we folk dont have any idea of our own bedroom, we just crash where it's convient. the girl who's folding clothes, actually, spent the night at a methodist center. shes baptist.) and i remember, at one point, the kid going:

"have you been asleep?"


"have you been asleep?"

"asleep... oh, oh, no, i havent"

"you should."


and right now im yawning like a mofo.

and im hungry as hell, but the girl has moved from folding her clothes to... trying clothes on... no, i stand corrected, she's...

i dont know what the hell she's doing.

oh, ironing.

she's ironing yall.

i think if shes not all ready to go eat in 15 minutes im just going to have to leave and eat alone, cause ive got to be somewhere in 30 minutes.

but i dont work for the rest of the day, so hot damn for me.

yet i must finish up a project (read: i must BEGIN the project and finish it up) tonight for tomorrow.

it shouldn't actually take long.

i could probably do it in the next fifteen minutes, actually.

but hell nah, that'd be too easy on me.

yo yo yo check this:

the girl doesnt think its her that ive fallen for.

so now im back being... i do not know.

ooh, shes gettin all fancy for her high payin job.

thats why shes ironing.

god damn my stomach is hurting. i seriously need to eat, so im gonna end this now, but with these fine words of wisdom:

heh, sorry, that was a lie, i just completely blanked on words of wisdom.

have a good day folks.

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