9-13-00 - 1 13 pm

so last night i didnt get in till late.

and then i went to write up a wee little entry and something just wasnt right. so i didnt.

and i went to sleep.

i do believe a nap is in call.

grapes, strawberries, oranges, all the best fruit in the world.

peaches and pears.


beautiful food.

silly used to mean religious, way back when.

i dont make this stuff up yo.

yesterday yesterday yesterday i participated in a scavenger hunt.

don't ask.

but we needed chester cheetah. you know, the cheetos guy.

so i drew him.

i must say, damn, i was impressed with myself.

we also need a green chip and dip thing.

so i got some food coloring and a chip. made myself a green chip. someone made green dip.

i had a green left hand all last night.

i can throw food up and catch it with my mouth.

i know you want me.

be happy for me, for i have had some corn today.

i love corn.

tra la. people dont say that near enough.

i am now going to start a nation wide campaign to have people say tra la.

i have someone in my family named nimrod.

no lie.

my name's greek. but i dont have a lick of greek in me, that i know of. crayon's french from latin.

i dont have any french in me, either.

i've got a hell of a lot of english in me. and a wee spot of irish by way of the great great grandma.

when i was little my sister had a friend who believed, with all her heart, i was an elf that worked for santa claus.


ok, yeah, so now im gonna go cause ive got shit to do and an appointment on tuesday.

yeah, ani.

but currently im listening to weird al.

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