9-4-00 - 12 44 am

i am now typing everything right handed.


because my left elbow, the toothbrush holder elbow, flaired up again this evening. i finally bent and took a pill. also, by command of the girl, i have the elbow placed on an ice pack.

yes, the girl. we talked tonight we did.

released something in me it did.

ok, im typing with two hands, which might just end up killing my elbow, but hell, it was bothersome having to take three tries to write "did." right.

and im typing other things at the same time, so it's just making this take too long.

i want quality, you see, but i dont want it to take forever... well. not forever here.

but yeah, it was after i saw my grandpa we talked. and she knows how i feel about family and such.

i went for a drive. i drove and i saw a possum crossing the road. i did not hit this possum.

when i was younger i once saw a possum standing on my fence. just standing there, on the fence. there used to be rabbits that would come into my backyard, too, now that i think about it.

not like i lived out in the middle of wilderness, mind you.

which reminds me, read o magnet-south, whitman, if you get the chance to.

i love the south. even if it is humid as anything. and in spite of the red necks, as well.

i dont think i can ever permanently leave it.

and it will never leave me.

aint nothing like growing up knowing what a polecat is before you know its a skunk.

oh oh, so, yes, i walked into the parents home today and i was just standing in the kitchen, thinking, and i had my hands in fists placed ever so on my hips and so my dad sees this as he turns the corner to walk up the stairs and he says:

"why, it's super crayon!"

and so i stood straight and took my hands off my hips and the mom's now laughing so i turn around and go:

"what're you laughing at old lady?"

but no old lady.

"you do look like super crayon."

so. yes. apparentally, for a brief moment today, i could've been someone's super crayon.

yall missed out.

now im back to crayon.

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