6-25-00 - 11 09 pm

saturday night my back and knee started acting up. now my knee is given to flights of fancy; i'm fairly used to it. but, see, the knee is sposed to act up in a regular way. if i get little sleep and then spend the next night doing whatever i do instead of sleeping-- thats when it acts up.

but not so saturday night. instead it started acting up about 7 pm. but i ignore it because i am, afterall, a trooper.

among other things.

and, for those who care, my knee... well both knees in this instance. previously i had been talking bout the left knee. so, i start again: my knees have been known to sort of slide up while i walk. i hafta sort of kick out my knee to slap it back into place.

thats what you get when you do crazy stuff while youre still growing. sports. gets you every time.

so. yes. the back. the back, as soon as i returned to the hotel, began to tense up on me. just the lower left side.

yes. i too noticed the correlation between the left back and left knee.

because i wanted to be in top shape for my newly made friends, if you get my meanin and i think you do (but trust me, its the wrong meanin), i took two... tylenol. i think.

why do i mention this? well, first, because i enjoy sharing these tid bits with you. i enjoy because, as we both know, i'm damn in love with you.

no, not you. the girl on the left.

hey. i'm not going to try any sleazy lines on you. i respect you too much for that. im not going to say i can make all your dreams come true. hell, i wont even say i can make milk come out your nose from laughing.

but i will say, give me half the chance to do that, and more, and i'll run with it.

all i want is the chance.

so, yeah baby. drop me a line.

and if you really want, i will try my sleazy lines on you.

damn, i was talking about why i mentioned my back, wasnt i? well, see, friday night i had trouble getting comfortable in bed (i slept alone baby, i swear) because of the back.

yes. this is all a poor attempt at pity on your part.

did it work?

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