6-22-00 - 5 31 pm

my dad believes he is a plumber. the water home is currently turned off because he believes he can fix an outside faucet dealie.

maybe he can.

but a while back he tried fixing the kitchen sink. he completely reversed the on and off thing.

see, i admit i cant plumb to save my life.

what i mean by the on and off thing, alright, you know how on most faucets you can pull up on the handle to turn it on? well, we cant, not anymore. now we must push down.

and it whistles, too.

and prior to this one he completely switched the bathroom's hot and cold points. say, previously, you had to turn the handle right to get hot water. now its cold that comes out.

hes amazing eh folks?

and trust me, talent like that runs in the family.

i know you want me.

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