6-19-00 - 6 58 pm

one of the... im not sure what adjective would fit here; it was great, it was relaxing, it was odd, it was dare i say sensual... one dream i had, ill say instead, about a year ago, still stands out in my mind.

all it was was me sitting out on the driveway with someone else. someone i have never seen, to my knowledge, in real life. we didnt talk.

we just sat there, facing each other.

i remember running my hands up her leg, seeing that mole on her calf.

and that was it.

i had another dream last night. it was actually a collage of dreams almost, but one part in particular i remember. basically, my dream had a previous life to it, and i just sort of hopped in while it was in progress. there was this girl there, someone i had known earlier in the dream life. we were, as the phrase goes, an item previously, but i had left her.

also, in this dream life, i was something of a... well... slut. slept around i did. had a real cocky attitude about it, as well.

and let me just say, right here and now, i am nothing like that.

so this one kid... well, we sat and talked. she was on my left. she asked why i left.

at this point in the dream i realized i had really loved her. i realized a lot of stuff at that moment.

so i told her why the dream me had left. i told her that when she talked about her future, she never mentioned me. that she seemed ready to move on. i knew she needed to move on. so i left.

and, in the earlier dream life (as the dream goes on, i remember more about the past) i had left in a more or less asshole way. one night i got up and walked out while she was sleeping. no goodbye, no note. no apology or explanation.

so i told her i still cared for her.

and thats all good and well, and probably more then i should share with you folk, why i mention this, after that first dream, is that at one point i was rubbing her leg.

so im led to believe i like rubbing legs. so there you go.

in a later part of the dream, or another dream altogether, i dreamt i was an owner of shop called chickens. i had inherited it, one way or another, not through parents but from a friend or what have you, and chickens was nicely known among the town people.

pointless rambling eh?

maybe i should go bother the sister.

oh, yeah, her games: they ended up winning all but one, which put them in the championship game, but they were called on account of the rain. the winner was determined by a coin toss. the other team called heads and won apparentally.

and my suspenders were blue. not red.

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