2008-03-24 - 3:05 p.m.

Dear Sir,

What scares me is that you want to become a police officer. I'm going to do all I can to attempt to stop this.

One day I'm going to have children. Maybe sons, maybe daughters. As beautiful and amazing and self-reliant as my future children will be there will come a day when they need police assistance.

I don't want you protecting them. I don't want them being served by you.

I know you. I know how you protect and serve the woman you claim you want as a wife. I know you get physical with her. I know you threaten to use guns against yourself. I know you risked your own mother's life on the worst snow fall in years to pick up your girlfriend who was content to stay where she was.

I know you, and I know real men. I know real police men and women. They aren't perfect, but they are respectable. They are selfless.

In a few words, they are the exact opposite of you. These are people who start every day knowing that today they may give their life up for a complete stranger.

And one day my daughter might need that. And you, you weak, selfish, disgusting boy, are not the one I want responding.

If your fiance is content to stay with a sad, sad excuse for a man, that's her decision and I've come to the point of realization that I can't change that.

But I can change whether or not I allow someone like you the chance to protect my son or daughter. I'll be damned if that happens. I'll be damned if you tarnish the work men and women before you did.

You are unstable. You are dangerous. You are stupid.

I will fight this for as long as I have to.


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