2008-02-26 - 12:37 p.m.

On Thursday night I was sitting on the couch with Kelly. It was late. Matter of fact, it was so late it was really early Friday morning. 1:05 a.m., to be exact.

I received this text, accidentally: "Im about to call my mom to pick me up. It's over you have an anger problem and should have not pushed or shoved me. Bye James."

This was from Jessica, from the girl I've been talking about who is in a scary, scary relationship. Jessica, who's like a little sister to me and who is Kelly's best friend.

So I read this and I get angry almost instantly and jump up and tell Kelly to get dressed because we were going out. Kelly says "where are we going?" and I'm so angry I just hand her the phone and get my keys and put my shoes on and she says "that asshole." and we're gone.

On the way to his house she's calling her, trying to get in touch with her, and it takes a while but we finally do. Kelly tells her that we're on our way. At first she doesn't want us to come, and then she doesn't want us to come all the way, and finally she says "okay, just don't pull into the driveway, please."

The thing is this: I'm not scared of him. He's not a big boy. He's skinny and stupid and at that time I knew I also had a bat in my car. I am not afraid of going to jail for beating someone who would hurt a woman. Especially someone who would hurt a woman he claimed to love.

I'm pretty much retarded, anyway, so when I'm angry I'm retarded fearless.

But we get there and pick her up. He doesn't make a scene, he just stands in the middle of the road with his head down.

I'm driving away and I see headlights and I say "he wouldn't be stupid enough to follow me, would he?"

He would.

We found out that when he found out Jessica was leaving him he took all of her clothes and put it in his car and wouldn't give them back.

He wants us to meet him in an old church in the middle of nowhere to get the stuff back. I say no, if he wants to meet us he has to drive with us back to the city and meet us under some bright lights in front of other people.

He doesn't agree to this and turns around.

I hate this asshole. I have absolutely no use for him. He's cried more times in front of me than anyone else I could think of recently. More than Kelly. He's pouted and stalked and is dangerous and I would love to hit him. Repeatedly.

I take Jessica to Walmart and buy some clothes for her to wear, a toothbrush, whatever she thinks she'll need until she gets her stuff back.

She continues to get texts from him.

We get back to our apartment. We've recently moved, so he has no idea where we live, just what complex we live in.

He calls and she goes down the hallway to speak to him. She comes back and hands me the phone.

He's sobbing. He's sobbing and I'm telling him to stop driving and go home and he's sobbing and sobbing like a little bitch and sobbing and saying let me talk to her and I hang up on him.

He drives around our complex and finds our cars. He calls her and asks her to come back home with him.

This is where I get angry with her: she agrees. She says it's easier to just go home with him. She says she'll come back tomorrow and stay with us.

I go out with her. Kelly is angry, I'm angry, but I'm trying not to pressure Jessica. I'm reminding her not hours before she was ready to give it up. I'm telling her everything I think she should hear and he comes out and she tries to get him to talk to me.

He won't, though, because he's a pussy.

I don't know what to do anymore. She's never going to leave him. At least not until he beats her to the point she goes to the hospital. Probably not even then. I've showed her the stats that say he's following that path.

Part of me just wants to walk away from them. Part of me just wants to say all right, if this is what she wants she can have it, with the knowledge that if she ever needs anything she can come to us.

Part me knows, too, that she needs a friend.

I don't know.

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