2006-01-29 - 11:08 p.m.

I got sucked back into crazy land the past two days. It's fucking nonsense down in Birmingham again.

It's just all very, very stupid and it's ridiculous that I have to call from up here to three different people to settle shit that these grown women should be able to settle between themselves.

But, no. Everyone's taking everything the wrong way and no one is "being nice" to the other one and now everyone is accusing everyone else of stealing shit that actually belongs to me.

It makes me tired. Getting a message, making a call, hearing someone rant at me.

Over fifty dollars? Fuck it, I'll pay fifty dollars to shut everyone up. Tupperware? I'll add an addition 10 dollars so everyone can buy some.

It's stupid shit. All because of one person's actions and another person's perceptions and it makes me angry and then I stop being angry because I'm just tired of it.

I've been tight-lipped about a lot of what went down in Birmingham. A lot of bad stuff happened. Pretty shitty stuff, actually. And part of me is broken because of it, part of me just doesn't have the willpower in me anymore to handle it.

And the real kick to the gut is that the person I thought Amy would end up with? I think Amy ended up with them.

I keep thinking it's the final nail in the coffin, but the nails keep coming. Someone's trying to make this one dead body that won't be able to escape at all.

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