2005-12-26 - 6:21 p.m.

I'm trying to continunally look on the bright side of all of this. Try to see positivelly, you know?
I've got a line on a possible opening for social work, which is what I want to do. At least, what I want to do this week. What I want to do today. I'm hoping, by the end of the week, to have gone and filled out all the proper paperwork and everything.
I'm going to get out more. Go to more concerts, maybe take a few classes to make me even more amazing.
Join a gym.
Whittle a stick to beat the ladies off with.
Man, have I got some changes in store, ho ho ho!
Except not really. Yeah, in the end she's going to really regret letting me go. There's not too many people out there like me (be that a good or bad thing).
Also I will have the best dog ever.
So, yeah, things will be okay, eventually. They'll be good. I'll rant and rave and fuss about how I'm all done with love, done with relationships, but anyone who knows me knows that's not true.
What has changed, though, is this:
I'm going to approach relationships differently. I'm not going to move for anybody, or move in with anybody. I'm going to take things so incredibly slow it's almost painful. I'm going to have fun. I'm going to have higher expectations. Once things do get serious, I'm going to expect to be in, at least, the top five.
This is a moment for me to change, and change for the better, if I just accept everything and move forward, as hard and sluggish that might be.
Yeah, this feeling wavers every now and again, but right now I am kind of excited about getting this chance.
There are a lot of things I did bad or poorly with and to Amy.
Maybe this is some kind of chance to make things okay somewhere.
Oh how vague. How vague.

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