2005-12-18 - 10:21 p.m.

The thing is this: you just keep thinking that once again you're not in the top three. Ninth, maybe. But every new day is another thing that pushes you on down the line.

That's all right. I've just got to be myself now. Find a way to make some people laugh.

I went out and had my early Christmas thing with the family today. It does me a lot of good, being out there. The mashed potato count? Three. Three times in all my life have they had mashed potatoes. Today was the third.

I love my family. I miss them, a lot. They're all so damn funny and great story tellers and just incredibly smart about so many different things. It's good to be up and around them.

I haven't talked to Amy since Friday. I believe this is the longest I've gone without talking to her since we started dating. It is weird. But, I think, for the best.

I don't want to know what she's doing, what she has been doing. I want to not care that she's going out and doing whatever she's doing. I want to not be jealous.

This is what I am afraid of:
I am afraid that she will realize she really does not need me (she doesn't, to be truthful) and I will no longer be a part of her life, at all.
Which, well. I won't be, at some point.

Blahblahblah. Same old crap, eh. Except this time there is a twist: I have to figure out what I am going to do with my life in a month's time. I am moving, but to where?

Oh ho ho, cliff hanger!

Also, I feel an overwhelming urge to support Amy for the next 6 months or so. Pay rent and utilities and whatever for her. Mainly because she recently quit her job for a lot of little reasons, topped off with me telling her not to worry about money, I'd pay for everything. Plus she recently went in debt to purchase a car and I feel slightly responsible for that. So now I have to figure out how to pay two of everything.
Two rents. Two utilities. Two blahblahblah.
Already have two jobs.
Looks like a third is in the future.

Guess I can always work overnights somewhere.

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