2005-07-29 - 12:24 p.m.

We've moved apartments.
I hate moving.
I become pretty fairly irritable.
Next time we move I'm just going to pay someone to come move everything for me.
But, I mean, it is fun, barely standing on a step with a couch weighing down on me.
I'm really looking forward to just having a day off. One where I don't have to move or wait for someone to patch a hole or close down the apartment or unpack.
Just swim, a little. Read, a little.
Eat a lot.
On a completely different note:
It kind of hit me, last night, that my dad is getting older and he just isn't going to last.
I have always been my dad's child.
He turned 51 this year. I know that's still young, that if he lives as old as everyone else in his family he's got a good bit ahead of him.
I don't really know why I got worried last night. I don't know why it broke my heart, thinking of that phone call, or that hospital room, or that cot in the living room.
My dad should be bionic.

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