2005-05-04 - 8:58 a.m.

Here's the thing:
A) My parents make/made probably a third of what your parents make/made. They did this without college degrees. They did the best they could. I remember times, though, where it was close.
B) I can't save up money because all of my paycheck goes to paying for the apartment you chose. Remember how I wanted to stay within a certain price-range? Yeah? Yeah.
C) I make act like I've got no "future plans" (that's how you put it, right?), but I can't go to grad school around here. The closest grad school that is offering the program I want is how many miles away?
D) Plus I need to know where you'll be going to grad school. I know you, and I know that you don't want me going to school three states away. Get yourself settled and then I'll work on me.
E) You talk about how you were raised and brought up. I already feel as if I'm not good enough, as if I, and my family, come from the wrong side of the tracks, as it were. I've got absolutely no problem with blue collars. I'm sorry you don't.
F) Sorry.
G) Date a lawyer if I'm not good enough.

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