2005-04-28 - 4:15 p.m.

Two of my best friends have been and are getting married.
On one hand, it's completely crazy. Things are changing so fast and soon they'll be popping out babies and I'll be baby-sitting and changing diapers because really, this is all about me.
The best thing about the first wedding I went to, other than the bride being all beautiful and happy and that nonsense, was that I got to sit next to a good friend of mine who, pretty much, has the same sense of humor as I do.
The wedding took place in a small country church. It was way out in the middle of nowhere with huge cows all around and a teepee just down the road.
With small, southern, country weddings there are a few things you can expect.
One is the big female hair.
(The big male hair is a different species. It's what originally spawned the mullet.(Which I sat behind, in the church.))
When the first female Aqua-net stock-holder walked in, my friend said, "The bigger the hair, the closer to God."
They just kept coming in.
It just made me laugh. Yay.
Also, in the reception room, there were signs posted here and there. Some said "Body" while others said "Heart." The signs were posted on doors.
It came the point where I needed to relieve myself.
The bathroom wasn't clearly marked.
I ruled out Body and Heart right away, as they were also clearly marked exits.
That left the only other door.
It was marked "Soul."
That, of course, brought a round of comments. Some along the lines of cleansing the soul. Emptying the soul. That and this.
I am, frankly, surprised we didn't get kicked out.

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