8-3-04 - 7:36 a.m.

i'm going to rant here, quickly, before i shower.

i have a slight problem with teenagers who believe they are wise.

maybe you are, maybe you arent, but in my experience, if you're 17 and talking about how much you've been through, you haven't been through much.

maybe you have. maybe everyone else around you has had a good life, so the little things you've been through seem huge, and impressive, to them.

but in the whole scheme of things, in the big ass world out there, no, you're not wise.

and for you to begin to say that you are just kind of shouts to me that you're really deluded and wrapped up in yourself.

i've always believed that if you've got to tell someone something about yourself, like "oh, i'm really funny." or "oh, i'm really smart." or "oh, i'm worldly."

then, odds are, you're not. if they can't pick it up for themselves, if you have to show them that, then maybe, just maybe, you're idea of worldly is more like... "oh, i've had a spoiled life, so the things i have been through were horrible and make me knowledgable."


you don't know shit about the world in high school. i didn't, you don't, few teenagers do.

get your head out of your ass.

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