6-18-04 - 9:03 p.m.

a list entitled why i am supremely extensively datable.

subtitled: or why you should be here making out with me.

a) i've got my education on and have a college degree, freshly mailed, to prove it.

b) i've got plans for post-graduate studies, too. thusly you can conclude i can hold my own in a delicate, sophisicated conversation. plus i can talk about cartoons, too.

c) i have, through the years, routinely either held two jobs at once (or those years i was doing three) while going to school full time. so, you see, i'm not a bum.

d) when i have had only one job i've been in charge of many people and expensive equipment. which shows you i'm responsible.

e) and my employees really liked me, so. yes. i'm likable.

f) i'm loyal and incredibly monogamous. i won't cheat on you.

g) i'm not afraid of commitment.

h) BUT I DON'T WANT MARRIAGE. right now.

i) kids love me.

j) i love pizza. i mean i love kids.

k) i've got a weird sense of humor, but it adjusts per person, so i'll be able to make you laugh.

l) i'm an incredibly closeted romantic. i, with time, could do something to sweep you off your feet.

m) i have good personal hygenie.

n) i'm not bad looking.

o) and i smell good.

p) i've been told i've got a great laugh and give good hug.

q) with sex: i would much rather... do things... than be done to. if that makes sense.

r) i open doors.

s) and cook.

t) and bake.

u) i can climb and stand on almost anything.

v) i've got a decent taste in music. and, if you don't like my cds, i'll probably like anything you play. as long as it's not an hour of men really angry and yelling. or fred durst.

w) i can write you a poem that would make you melt and make your friends insanely jealous.

x) i can show you random things about this town you'd never imagine were here.

y) i'll play in the rain with you.

z) and i will think myself incredibly lucky to be with such a damn wonderful woman as yourself.

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