2004-04-22 - 12:37 a.m.

i need to write something, even fake, to just up my mood a little. so, for me:

you close the blinds as i stretch out under the down comforter.

down the hall a light was left on because you cant sleep in the complete dark. a compromise, because i can't sleep with light, but i love you.

and there you are, in a tshirt and pajama pants, so beautiful, glasses on, hair put up.

you fall into bed. the right side of me. it was easy, no compromise, you always liked that side, i always liked the left.

it just happened, us sleeping that way. exhausted, we'd fall asleep, moving mid-nights, in the first few hours of predawn, into the spaces we'd come to sleep in for months.

my arm across your stomach, under your shirt.

as beautiful as you would be in a trash bag (and i tried getting you to wear one, as a mask once, and i demonstrated it for you, but you just laughed and laughed at me. even still, if i mention it on the phone, you laugh for a minute, and it makes me smile, it makes my day better.), there's just something amazing about touching your skin.

about falling asleep with my fingers against you.

and the best thing about the night, the best thing about you pulling the shade, the fingers on the skin, the laughter in the dark because we're just not done, there's so much more to talk about, so much more i want to hear you react to.

so much more laughter i want to make you laugh.

but the best part about it all?

when i reach out, you move into me. you slide in next to me, as close as you can, without me asking. without me moving to meet you.

it's enough to make the agnostic in me pray in thanks.

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