2-7-04 - 3 55 am

emily and i got into a discussion tonight about the idea of respect.

she thinks it's a strongly southern trait in me and that i take it too seriously and relate it to too many things.

as in, i think work is better if you work with people you respect.

she says people don't go to work to respect other people, they go to work to make money.

i told her that i told the vice president of the company i work for that i questioned a decision made because i felt that the person put in charge would not have respect from the employees.

emily said the vice president is concerned with profit, not respect.

i told her that when i'm making 10 million a year and publishing books on how i became successful, respect is going to be my secret.

she laughed and then made a big long joke about how respect is an important thing and ingrained into our very beings.

i think she finds it endearing, this respect quality i have in me.

i don't know if we're thinking of differnt kinds of respect or what.

but i do know that it is a quality i want to pass onto my kids.

i want to them to respect everything around them.

respect other people, respect animals, respect nature, respect the dangerous things like matches and gasoline.

i dont want my kids ever working for someone they don't respect, or working for a company they don't respect.

maybe it is just this overwhelmingly southern part of me.

i just know i work better and feel better when i'm around people i have respect for.

whatever vague, indefinable, undefinable thing respect is.

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