2-4-04 - 1 14 am

i made a list in my head the other day in the shower.

of the good qualities i could list that might make someone think i was a decent person to date.

i was feeling confident about myself.

i mean, hell, i've got the goods.

then i get around kim. and she tears it all down.

how good am i really if someone i dated for a year and a half and have known for three years and have done a million things for can turn around and hate me as much as she does?

and so now i've taken on a vow of selective silence.

talking gets me nowhere these days.

it makes me an ass.

i need a shot in the head. a good clean shot to the head.

something to disable me and humble me.

make me less selfish.

make me forget.

or at least numb the parts of me that still are too sensitive to do anyone any good.

emilys the only thing keeping me sane right now.

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