12-17-03 - 3 07 am

my parents got a sectional for their living room so i stole their recliner because i could.

and now it's sitting in my bedroom, all big and blue and all "hey, come recline."

and i'm all "soon, blue chair, soon, but i can't right now."

and then the blue chair starts crying and i feel bad and just pile stuff on it.

the moral of this story is: i haven't sat in my chair yet.

which, by god, is an injustice if there ever was one.

where am i right now? why, reclining. ON MY BED!

to switch gears real quickly:

that email i sent last night about the whole my feelings haven't changed for you at all yet blahblahblah stuff, that email, she hasn't responded to it.

which either is good because she's just acknowledging it or at least not flat out telling me i have no chance or bad because for some reason she never received it.

oh well.

we shall see soon, i suppose.

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