12-6-03 - 4 38 am

it really irritates me when other managers seem to get really angry about stupid stuff and they start blowing things out of proportion and i just want to say "woah, calm it down there big shooter, you're not that great of an employee either."

but i dont. i just let them ramble and ignore them and fix the problems that they're complaining about.

i'm going to instigate a new sweeping radical rule at work, barring some approval (which i think won't be a problem), which should elimante half the badness.

but what i really meant to say, when i came here, was that the other night when i was about to go to sleep, i thought about something emily did.

she listened to me, helped me figure out a decision, and didn't really force me into what she thought was right.

and as i was thinking this, as i was falling asleep, i thought... man, i want to marry someone like emily.

and i do.

i mean, i might not ever get another chance with emily.

but she's the type of girl that's pretty much perfect for me.

she's a smart ass, she's upfront with what she wants, she's aggressive, she's sexual, she's damn funny, she laughs at me, she listens, she has her opinions but won't make me follow what she thinks is right, she's honest, she's understanding and patient, she gets angry, and she likes me.

and now i sleep.

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