10-26-03 - 4 42 pm

so the department i'm in charge of is twice the size of my last department.

twice the size.

and every now and then i find myself thinking i can't run this alone.

and before i say it, before i walk up and say something to someone about getting me help, i think this is what i got hired for.

this is what i wanted to do.

so, instead, i walk to the back room and squat down and close my eyes and try to release all my frustrations out in a quick tensing of my body.

i know that things will get better, run smoother, once i get myself a supervisor and once the employees get completely trained.

right now we're doing almost... i'd say six times the business my other place did.

and i've got a certain pride in what i do, and i'm going to be the best at it. simple as that.

so struggling like this frustrates the hell out of me.

the vice president was walking around last night and i heard, later, that he was pleased. so maybe i'm doing something right.

i just want to do it better.


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