10-05-03 - 3 37 pm

i took a friend of mine back to my old place of business friday. we were both wanting to do something together, and that was the only thing i could come up with.

i didn't introduce her to anyone because i knew what they would be thinking, and i was trying to stem that a little.

i was right. they were thinking that i was taking her on a date.

however, i found out later that this was said about it:

"she's pretty cute, why is she with crayon?"


"crayon's pimping it."

now, while, yes, my friend is really cute, and while, yes, i am known to "pimp it" it slightly bothers me that people said both of that.

a) i dated both kim and emily, and both kim and emily are lookers. it seems to me as if i should have already established to them that, while i appear as if i were a dork of the highest rankings, i aints gots no problems charming the beautiful ones.

b) i have been known to be friends with some incredibly attractive women. see: emily, kim, rebekah, etc for further reference. and you, of course, baby. you so hots i got to wear oven mitts to touch you, we all know. some of my friends have ended up modelling for money on the side. so there.

c) i'm a charmer. of course i'm going to be "pimping it"

i told my friend that she was too cute for me and she laughed. then said "i know."

which made me laugh.

it wasn't a date. she's not interested in me, i'm not interested in her, we both have people we're both really interested in, and we wouldn't last in a relationship together.

and, as always, i'm still holding out hope for emily. holding my breath for december, waiting to see if she'll put the moves on me. it's been established that that's what's going to have to happen, because i won't push for anything because she doesnt want to have to tell me no.

now i need to get dressed.

in my, you know, "pimping it" clothes. complete with a big velvet hat. and cane, can't forget the cane.

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