9-11-03 - 11 52 am

my laptop has been down, so i'm scraping by on time stolen from computer labs and other sources.

what all has happen since last we spoke, old chum?

ah, yes. i got that job. went back for the second interview yesterday, which wasn't so much an interview as them begging me to join their winning team.

or not exactly that. we filled out paperwork.

i called my dad to let him know. then i called emily, to let her know. and she was excited.

later, when i called her back the second time, i asked her what the best part of her day was.

she said it was me getting the job.

i didn't know how to respond to that.

what else old chum, what else.

ah, yes, there's always stuff with kim. like how i've got no urge whatsoever to be friends with her boyfriend because he's someone i wouldn't be friends with on my own.

and how kim and her boyfriend have an odd relationship where they apparently know nothing about each other.

but that's her life.

what else what else, ah, yes, the illness.

we have taken to calling it the illness around here. first i called it dance fever because it was heraled by my dancing in my parents den.

then it was rocking pneumonia.

now, however, it is just the illness.

it started with a headache that woke me up twice during the night accompanied with being sick to my stomach.

then it progressed to shaking and being sick to my stomach and not so much on the headache although my neck tenses randomly.

now it's not so much any of that as a sick to the stomach feeling tinged with neck pains.

the illness.

or perhaps the boogey woogey blues. who is to say, old chum, afterall.

this job, by the way, is already starting me off with a higher salary then what i left at the other job.

they even mentioned insurance.

and told me there was room for advancement.

and that they were very impressed with me.

this would be including my direct boss as well as THE VICE PRESIDENT OF THE ENTIRE FREAKING COMPANY.

being impressed with my sleek ass you bet your bottom dollar.

and i told emily that, minus the sleek ass part (that's what is great with emily: the sleek ass part is just understood. we don't have to mention it) and she said, "well, who wouldn't be?"

god help me, i love her.

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